Blake Ruby’s ‘Lemongrass’ is a declaration of love and support and the unique production, more upbeat and pop-like, stands out artistically.
Starting off with a wave-like sound and a simple beat, the song is at first focused on Ruby’s vocals. It then evolves into more complexity with vocals layers, and a well-thought production to give the song more depth. For this one, the jazz inspirations are put on the side, and we end up with his most pop-like song. It is catchy and the lyrics are haunting and introspective.
The indie-pop artist is currently based in Nashville, where he studied at Belmont university. Throughout his years studying music, Ruby worked on his writing and production skills, and released his first EP, ‘Not I’. With usual inspiration from jazz, pop, soul, and folk, Blake Ruby displays his production skills once again.
‘Lemongrass’ is for me a successful risk for Ruby when it comes to expanding his creativity. The bridge and the added layers throughout the song give his title as an ‘indie-pop’ artist all his meaning. The change in rhythm and the bridge radiate fun and honesty. Blake Ruby still manages to display his brand and soothing sounds while exploring.
With all the latest singles, let’s be on the lookout for an album in the close future.